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Mad Men

🚀 The show in 3 Sentences

This show is about the sixties, and how people acted and behaved at the time. It is an interesting deep dive into the thoughts and attitudes at the time. It is also a deep dive into the changes happening at that time.

🎨 Impressions

I quite liked it as an entry point into that age, and I think a lot of the more interesting things captured in the show are that the show-makers made a lot of good effort to produce believable characters and show how people thought and acted at that time. It is also interesting to see how people reacted to large world-shaking events in their own way.

Most important scenes

  • That´s what the money is for. I loved this scene; there is an interesting parallel between what people think they need and what they are given. Also, the interesting phenomenon is that the people who make advertising are not able to see what motivates their employees.
  • The carousel is Just a good presentation.


  • I hate to break it to you, but there is no big lie. There is no system. The universe is indifferent. - Don Draper
  • I don’t think about you at all. - Don Draper
  • What is happiness? It’s a moment before you need more happiness. -Don Draper
  • If you don't like what's being said, change the conversation. - Don Draper
  • He's one of those alcoholics who think they are collecting - Lane Pryce
  • It's a business of sadists and masochists, and you know which one you are. Miss Blankenship

Who Should Watch It?

It is an interesting period drama that I think most people



  • God, the men in that movie are a bunch of narcissistic children.
  • Casual sexism
  • One thing I thought was interesting is the conversation between Peggy and Dawn, where Dawn explains that she is quite happy to work as a secretary and does not have that many ambitions beyond that; not everyone is obsessed with a career but just wants to have an income and live life.